Who we are

Wiena grupa, a company with extensive experience in industrial filtration established in Croatia, with its activities actively contributes to the environment protection, thus helping its clients to become more responsible members of the society, both in local and global community. The indispensable requirement of our business operation is the environment protection, therefore the solutions that we are offering always go hand in hand with good industry practices that ensure the best friendly terms with nature.

By monitoring our users’ requirements, we provide for the systematic optimization of filtration plants in various industries:


Wiena grupa d.o.o. has been active since 2009 as a successor to the former company Wiena d.o.o., the company that made its first steps in industrial filtration in 1989. Since our incorporation we have been procuring filter products acting as agents to reputable manufacturers. However, the continuous increase of our sales made us start our own production.


With the continuous improvement of our products and services, we aim at positioning ourselves as a desirable market participant. We offer high quality products by bringing in line the entire manufacturing process with top quality regulations. Our work is characterized by compliance with all the provisions of the ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 standards.